How do I get started with Funded Copy Trader?

To get started with Funded Copy Trader and make the most of the opportunities available, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the main Funded Copy Trader website and create an account here.    
  2. Navigate to the Funded Copy Trader dashboard and click which account size you would like to purchase. This includes the account type (2 or 3 step) and the account size.  
  3. Review the program rules by reviewing the terms of use and contact support by opening a ticket here if you have questions beforehand.    
  4. When you are convinced you are ready, proceed with the payment by clicking the create order button and select your preferred payment method from the listed payment options.
  5. Upon completion of the transaction, you will receive your account credentials.    

You are now ready to become an FCT simulated trader and can start trading with your challenge account at your convenience.


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