Overview of the FCT Copy Trading Program

In the realm of retail proprietary trading firms, the primary concern for traders is the risk of not being paid for their profits, as most prop firms out there only intend to collect challenge fees and then try their best to avoid paying the traders. At Funded Copy Trader, we demonstrate our intention to truly seek long-term professional traders to become master traders on our Copy Trading Platform. Traders not only earn profit share from their simulated funded accounts but also earn from collecting copy trade subscription fees.

Funded Copy Trader (FCT) operates as an online platform that offers a simulated trading evaluation service, eventually resulting in a pool of qualified, skilled, and certified professional traders. FCT itself actually engages in trading activities on its own account with its own capital, using, among other things, data from simulated trades executed by selected FCT Funded Traders.

In light of this, the question emerges:
Why not offer this opportunity to all retail investors out there to benefit from the Simulated Funded Traders as FCT does? 

This led to the inception of the FCT Copy Trading Platform, which was established with the goal of protecting investor interests and catering to retail investors looking for mutual benefits with FCT. Furthermore, it also provides an extra "value-added" advantage for the FCT Funded Traders.


How do I become a Master Trader? 

In order to qualify as an FCT Copy Trading Master Trader, you must first complete the FCT Evaluation Courses, successfully pass them, and become an FCT Simulated Funded Trader. At this point, you will begin earning a profit share of 80% from the profits generated in your simulated funded account. Once you have made payout withdrawals equivalent to at least 1% of your initial simulated account balance, you will be eligible to become a master trader. Subsequently, you can set your monthly subscription fees and let others replicate your trades.

Meeting the requirements to become a master trader does not automatically mean you have to join FCT Copy Trading Platform as a master trader. The decision to join is optional and entirely up to you. You have the choice to opt in or opt out as you see fit.

While trading as usual, as a top-performing simulated funded trader, you can enjoy an extra revenue stream as a master trader on the FCT Copy Trading Platform.


Master Trader Badge Level

We categorized our master traders into tiers, with each tier being distinguished by a specific Badge. These trader badges are designed to provide investors with a clear indication of the trustworthiness, reliability, and confidence levels in selecting master traders on the FCT copy trading platform.

As an entry level master trader, you will be granted the Rookie Badge and be recognized as a "Rookie Trader" on the FCT copy trading platform. As you make progress in your achievements, your badge level has the potential to increase further.

The master trader badge is categorized as follows:

  • Rookie
  • Pro
  • Elite
  • Legend

Are There Any Restrictions?

The FCT Copy Trading Program is subject to certain restrictions that must be complied with in order for traders to remain eligible. These restrictions are outlined in the Badge description. Please refer to the image above.


How do I set my subscription fee?

When you decide to become a master trader on the FCT copy trading platform, you will be able to access your master account details and track your progress in the “Copy Trading” section of your dashboard panel. As you configure your master account, it is necessary to prepare a range of settings information, one of which involves setting the subscription fee values that your subscribers need to pay if they choose to replicate your trades.

For a more detailed explanation on how to configure your master account, please refer to this article.

The subscription fees are collected on a monthly cycle.

To set your subscription fee for the master trader account, click on "Settings". The settings page will appear in a popup window. Specify the monthly fee value in the "Monthly subscription fee." Save the changes to confirm the update.

Is there any revenue share in the FCT Copy Trading Program? 

A portion of the total revenue generated in your master accounts will be shared with FCT. The revenue share ratio is 80/20, meaning you will receive 80% of the total generated revenues. Unfortunately, our copy trading program does not have a scaling plan in place. The revenue share ratio will remain unchanged across all trader badge levels.


Requesting Your Master Trader Payouts

The monthly revenue collected from subscription fees will be added to the withdrawable revenue at each subscription cycle, which is the end date of the current month. In case you have more than one master account, the Withdrawable Box represents the total withdrawable revenue from all accounts, which can be withdrawn simultaneously. 

However, you always have the option to request withdrawals separately for each master account. 

You can make copy-trading revenue withdrawals once a month, at any time after the 15th, by clicking the "Request Payout" button. The estimated processing time is 3 business days for each payout request.

It is important to remember that you need to execute at least one trade within the month in order to be eligible for revenue withdrawal. If you fail to meet this condition, we will void the month's revenue and refund it back to the subscribers.

Once master account payouts have been issued, you will be able to see the details of previous master account payouts via the Payouts History of your copy trading section. 


To set up your payout method, please refer to this article.

* Due to imposed fees for payout transfers, there is a minimum of at least $100 for bank wire and $50 for crypto payouts, to cover the cost of a transaction.
* For each payout via Indonesia Local Bank transfer, there is a flat fee of IDR 10,000.


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