Understanding Market Rollover

Understanding Market Rollover and Its Impact on Simulated Trading 

Market rollover refers to the one-hour period when the Forex Market closes. During this time, certain currency pairs may experience price spikes and significant fluctuations. The occurrence and intensity of these fluctuations can vary from day to day. Market rollover typically takes place at 10:00 pm GMT. It's important to note that you won't be able to close simulated positions during this period.

To mitigate potential risks in the simulated trading sim environment, it is advisable to consider closing your simulated positions closed as the market approaches rollover time, unless you believe that you have sufficient room in your simulated position to accommodate the fluctuations. If your simulated positions are not adequately buffered, it is possible that simulated stop losses and simulated take profits may not be respected due to the rapid and volatile nature of the fluctuations. Additionally, you won't observe simulated candle fluctuations during this time since the market is closed. However, when the market reopens, you may witness the impact of these fluctuations on you simulated positions, although it may not always be the case.

It is crucial to avoid simulated trading near the market rollover time. Furthermore, it is generally recommended not to trade in a simulated environment during the London Open or NY Open, as these periods can also exhibit rapid movements that may trigger simulated stop losses under similar conditions to market rollover. We acknowledge that simulated trading during these times is not entirely prohibited. However, if you lack sufficient experience and knowledge, you may find yourself in simulated potentially frustrated that your simulated position exceeded your simulated stop loss.

For further information and a better understanding of market rollover, we recommend referring to the following resources:



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