Is it allowed to use Trade Copier ?

It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the guidelines and restrictions surrounding the use of trade copiers to ensure compliance with simulated account rules. To ensure a successful trading experience with our platform, we strongly encourage you to familiarize yourself with these distinctions by thoroughly reading the information provided below.

If you just looking to become an investor and copy other people's trading signals, you can do it without any hassle in our FCT Copy-trading platform which indeed uniquely designed to accommodate passive investors.


Permitted Use of Trade Copying

  • Traders are allowed to utilize their Simulated Funded Account as the primary source of trades (i.e., master account), enabling them to seamlessly replicate their trades into their personal account or other people's trading accounts, using any necessary services, software or expert advisors (EA's).                

    Traders are allowed to use their Simulated Funded Account as a master account and copy their trades to other prop firm trading accounts.                

    You can use copy trading as long as your trades are the source trades and are the ones being copied by other traders.             
  • Traders are allowed to copy (duplicate) trades across their own trading accounts within the same FCT user profile, regardless of whether the accounts are simulated challenge accounts or simulated funded accounts.               

    Traders are allowed to raising Identical Trades among their own trading accounts within a single FCT user profile.               

    Please keep in mind that there is a maximum capital allocation limit of $1,000,000 for FCT Funded Accounts (prior to our Badge scaling program) per user or strategy, at any given time.


Prohibited Use of Trade Copying

  • Traders are strictly prohibited, in any circumstances, copying trades from third-party sources using any signals provider, services, software or expert advisors (EA's).              

    This includes, but is not limited to:     
    • Any type of Copy Trading service.
    • Any type of Signal Provider service.
    • Any type of Account Management service.
    • Any type of "Pass Your Challenge" service.
    • Any software or EAs that copying external trades to your account.     

      All trades taken on any FCT Simulated Account must originate from the trader's own idea and execution, otherwise it will be considered a violation/ breach.   
  • Traders are strictly prohibited, in any circumstances,  copying trades from one FCT user profile to another FCT user profile.  

    This includes, but is not limited to: 
    • Raising identical trades in more than one FCT user profile.
    • Raising similar trades as one or more other Traders within identical time intervals or time horizons.
    • Raising similar trades as one or more other Traders within similar time intervals or time horizons .
    • Raising trades akin to one or more other Traders or a variation of either (and) identical or very similar order sizes and instruments, and/ or trades raised within identical or similar time intervals and horizons.
    • Using the same Expert Advisor or Expert Advisor parameters as other traders. Traders’ EA parameters must be unique for their trading accounts only.

      To clarify, "trade copying" refers to the use of software designed to replicate trades across different FCT user profiles automatically, or the practice of manually executing similar trades across multiple FCT user profiles in a coordinated manner.


Violating Prohibited Trade Copying Activities

If you breach the aforementioned rules, your account will be subject to immediate review and breach. This may result in the loss of any fees associated with your challenge accounts, as well as the cancellation of pending payouts associated with your simulated funded accounts. 


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