Is there an inactivity period for my accounts?

If a trader does not engage in any trading activity for 45 consecutive days, FCT will deem the trading account expired and mark it as failed/breached. To prevent the account from being inactive, traders can execute a single trade within the 45-day timeframe, even with a minimum amount of 0.01 lot.

Please be aware that if an account does not place a trade for over 45 days, it will be deemed inactive. As per our policy, inactive accounts will be considered breached, and all associated challenge fees, simulated profits, or pending payouts will be forfeited. This policy is in place to encourage active trading within our platform and to mitigate the costs associated with maintaining inactive demo accounts.


  • This rule applies to all types of FCT simulated accounts, including both simulated challenge account and simulated funded account.
  • Days are consecutive, not business days.


Can I extend the inactivity period or customize it to suit my needs?

FCT does not offer the option to extend or customize the inactivity period, and the policy applies uniformly to all accounts. Because the inactivity period of 45 consecutive days is a standard policy to ensure active participation.


Can I request a new account after expiration?

Please note that as per our policy, inactive accounts will be considered breached, and all associated challenge fees, simulated profits, or pending payouts will be forfeited. However, if you believe you have compelling reasons and evidence to explain why your trading account breached due to inactivity, you can contact FCT support to request a replacement account by opening a new ticket titled "Inactivity Review Request" to Trading Department. The approval of a new account is not guaranteed and will depend entirely on FCT's evaluation of the information provided in your explanation.



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