Why you charging for a fee?

FCT's main goal is to find talented traders and provide them with quality services, tools, education and an environment to push them further and enable them to trade for a living and make their dreams come true.

The fee associated with the FCT challenge are not actually a fee. It is more accurately referred to as a temporary commitment deposit that you pay to show your seriousness and enthusiasm for undergoing the Evaluation Program to qualify as an FCT Funded Trader.

If we provided everything for free, there is a high likelihood of it being misused irresponsibly through trial and error, which would ultimately deviate from the very purpose of our program.

The fee also covers costs related to the FCT Challenge provided by FCT such as the design, development and operation of the FCT platform (the technical infrastructure behind the educational services and applications provided).

Please bear in mind that you cannot lose more than this fee and on top of that, the fee is always refunded back to the traders with their first Profit Share from an FCT Funded Account (of course, after they pass the Evaluation process).


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