
What is a Free Trial?

We offer a Free Trial account, which is an abridged version of an FCT Challenge account. The purpose of the Free Trial is to serve our new clients to see how it works and assess their trading skills

Free Trial & Competition
Can I keep my Badge Level permanently?

No, the Badge level is tied to a specific criteria and is not limited by time. You will be removed from your current Badge level status if you fail the FCT Funded Account associated with the Badge

Funded Accounts
Why should I join Funded Copy trader?

The art of trading is not without its difficulties. As a trader, you are likely to encounter various common problems that can arise such as: Trading an account that is too small (undercapitalization)

Getting Started
An overview of how the FCT operational aspects

FCT provides services of simulated trading and educational tools for traders. Since the beginning of FCT, our objective has been to provide traders with conditions as similar as possible to the real

Getting Started
How do I qualify to become an Elite Trader?

In order to qualify for the Elite Trader: You must not have failed your FCT Funded Account in the last 12 months. You must process at least 6 payout withdrawals. You must have withdrawn a minimum of

Funded Accounts
Overview of the FCT Affiliates Program

Welcome to the FCT Affiliates Program! We believe in the power of word-of-mouth as our main marketing strategy. Our affiliate program is uniquely designed for you to reward every effort you put into

Affiliate & Giveaway
Can I request a Custom Partnerships?

For unique or custom partnership requests outside of our affiliate program, please open a new ticket titled "Custom Partnerships" to Other Department. Further details will be shared in the ticket

Affiliate & Giveaway
Prohibited Simulated Trading Practices

We provide traders with flexibility in choosing their simulated trading styles and simulated strategies. However, we do have restrictions in place to prevent abusive practices and ensure fair simulate

Overview of the FCT Giveaways Program

Welcome to the FCT Giveaways Program! Thank you for your interest in our FCT giveaways! We want to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for everyone. We actively give away challenge accounts for

Affiliate & Giveaway
Can I hold trades Overnight and Over the Weekend?

There are no restrictions on holding positions overnight or during weekends in any of the FCT Challenge Phases or in the Simulated Funded Account.
